Coconut Multiples
Coconut Multiples can reinforce children's knowledge of times tables by helping them to recognise the multiples from each table. Select either multiples from times tables up to 10 or 12.
Carroll Diagrams - Multiples
Sort multiples of selected numbers on the Carroll Diagram. This game will test your times tables knowledge.
Maths Fishing
Practise your multiplication skills. The game not only covers times tables but also doubles, squared and cubed numbers.
Demolition Division
A game which helps you to learn division. Tanks with division problems move towards your blaster. Fire at the correct problem to save your blaster from destruction. Good for sharpening mental maths skills.
Bunches of Balloons
An excellent teaching video looking at making equal groups from 18 balloons. It leads on well to students continuing the investigation.
Multiplication Facts
Test your knowledge of multiplication tables at your own pace. If you make a mistake you get a chance to try again. No frills but it does the job and there is a scoring system.
Maths Invaders
Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.
Maths is Fun
A useful site if you are struggling with your maths as it explains different areas of maths. You can then work through examples and answers are provided. It is an American site, with something for all age groups. There is useful maths dictionary of terms.
A teaching resource which demonstrates division of objects by grouping them. There are two options, one with and the other without remainders.
Array Display
A really useful teaching tool for modelling multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.