Subtraction using concrete and pictorial strategies
A video lesson which shows how to solve subtraction problems using counters and pictures. It demonstrates how to set up and solve the subtraction questions and gives ideas for a subtraction game at home.
Addition and Subtraction Ladder
Try the simple addition and subtraction sums to build your ladder. The examples include missing numbers or addends.
Mental Maths Train
Mental Maths Train is a maths game which focuses on the essential vocabulary of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A multiple choice game which can give children confidence in the four arithmetic operations.
Multiples and Factors
A multiple choice game with two game modes. In the first you need to identify the Lowest Common Multiple and in the second the Highest Common Factor. Questions increase in difficulty depending on accuracy
Blast Off
Blast Off is a mental maths game for 5 to 8 year olds which can help you to know your two digit numbers and help with addition and subtraction skills. It covers different vocabulary such as more than, less than, count on and count back.
Ladybird Spots
Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children.
Hit the Button
Quick fire questions on number bonds, doubling, halving, times tables, division facts and square numbers against the clock. Brilliant for improving mental maths and calculation skills, but particularly times tables either up to 10 or up to 12 times.
Catch the Stars - Subtraction
Catch the stars in your bucket by working out the subtraction sums. Either subtract by mixed numbers or a single number up to 10. Be careful not to miss the stars.
White Rose Maths Home Learning
The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-9 to help parents with home learning.
Today's Number (to 20)
Our Today's Number game can help early years children to learn the numbers to 20 in a fun way. The various activities help with number formation, recognition, ordering and counting.