The First World War
This site from the Imperial War Museum is bursting with information, organised in a variety of different media, about the First World War.
Mr Allsop History - OCR Modern World GCSE History Revision Podcasts
History resources and GCSE history podcast revision guides in MP3 audio format by Mr Allsop for the OCR Modern World History GCSE. An excellent site with useful tips on how to achieve the best marks.
Women at War
A site which looks at the role of women during the Second World War. Illustrated with photographs.
World War One
A comprehensive collection of articles from the BBC on the Great War. It includes transcripts of newspaper articles from the time. A fantastic resource.
What Did Children Eat in World War 2?
A resource which demonstrates the different aspects of rationing during the Second World War and its effects on ordinary British people. It includes cross-curricular teaching ideas.
The Great War
An exhibition from the Public Record Office on the First World War. There are six different investigations which tell the story of the war. Original sources have been chosen to highlight the role of important events. Excellent!
Encyclopedia of the First World War
A comprehensive site on the Great War which includes biographies of the main personalities involved, details of the soldiers and their lives in the trenches, war statistics, the home front and much more.
Imperial War Museum
A superb site. Find out about the range of free educational visits and examine the online photograph archive albums on both world wars and conflicts since 1945. There are lots of propaganda posters and find out about resources you can buy.
Trenches on the Web - An Internet History of The Great War
Comprehensive reference library about World War 1. A timeline, biographies of important figures, first hand accounts, photographs and details of major battles are some of the excellent features here.
Greenfield History Site
A super schools history site with essential facts for a GCSE Modern World history course which includes coursework topics, exemplar essays, revision sheets and advice for students on sourcework.