Maths Fishing
Practise your multiplication skills. The game not only covers times tables but also doubles, squared and cubed numbers.
Museum of Ten
A game to help you learn your number bonds to 10.
Compose and Decompose Numbers
A place value game which can help you to understand tens and ones.
KS2 French
A BBC site with French skills, phonics, songs, stories and a game.
3-2-1 Snack
A fun early counting game where children practise counting to 6.
Forest Phonics
Forest Phonics is a spelling game where you can select the phonemes you want to focus on.
Snowman Sums
A winter themed addition game. Find number bonds to match the target number.
Carroll Diagrams - Multiples
Sort multiples of selected numbers on the Carroll Diagram. This game will test your times tables knowledge.
Music Maker
A charming game where you can easily create a melody and change the rhythm and tempo.
Stamp and Grunt
A phonics game which looks at CCVCC words for Phase 4 Letters and Sounds.