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Warwick Curriculum Resources for Schools

Exploring Why and Exploring Our World were developed by staff at the University of Warwick to foster the development of open and positive attitudes towards difference and diversity.

4-11 year olds

Math Limbo

A timed addition game where you solve the equations by adding two single digit numbers and choosing the answer or by choosing an equivalent addition. It can be used to speed up your mental arithmetic skills. Different levels.

5-8 year olds

Num Tanga Junior

Match the pairs which could be numerals, numbers as words, ten frames, base ten or fingers on hands. There are different levels the highest of which goes up to 20.

4-6 year olds

What a Stretch

Investigate the unique physical features of giraffes and explore how they are represented in art. The site includes a story about differences. Create your own giraffe artwork.

7-9 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Circle of Life

The excellent site looks at the differences in life cycles of amphibians, birds, mammals and insects and also tests your knowledge. It is a useful for either whole class or use by individual students.

9-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

The Column Method for Addition

Practise your column addition skills with the calculation already set out for you. The examples progress from the addition of two single-digits to questions with five digit answers.

5-11 year olds

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

An animated story of the traditional story of the Three Bears. There is a sequencing activity to print out to go with the story.

3-7 year olds

Toy Shop Money Game

Money games where children work out which coins will buy toy shop items and where they can calculate change. Tablet-friendly and with different levels of difficulty. GDP, USD, EURO and AUD options are available.

4-11 year olds


Free audio books, including classic fairy tales, myths, verse, Bible stories and original stories for children. Download mp3 files, burn to CD, subscribe to kids' podcast. The only downside is that there is advertising at the end of the stories.

5-11 year olds

The Ballad of Lisa the Lemur

Lemurs are in danger as rainforests disappear. Listen to the song about Lemurs and see what is happening as rainforests are destroyed.

5-11 year olds
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