Tommy's Trek
An arcade style times tables game. The game includes times tables up to 12.
Maths Tutorial Index
Interactive A Level maths tutorials.
Tools and resources to support secondary school maths teachers. Useful for interactive whiteboards.
Food Chain Challenge - Woodland
Explore the interactive scene to find different food chains in a woodland habitat.
Inside the Human Body
A superb interactive simulation which explores each of the systems of the body demonstrating their structure and function.
Sound Makers
A delightful video interactive about musical instruments and the science behind how they make sounds.
Clocking In
A telling the time game about o'clock and half past times.
Capacity Countdown
A game by ICT games where you need to read the volumes on the scales in ml and l.
Number Line
An interactive number line to support the teaching of number and scales. Useful for teaching negative numbers. It has been designed for use on an interactive whiteboard.
Cbeebies Christmas Surprise
Discover lots of surprises in this year's festive game. This game from the BBC is an alternative approach to their Advent calendar's of recent years. It is also available as an app.