The French Directory
The complete guide to learning French in France. The site has locations and contacts for educational establishments in France where students or teachers can study French as a second language. Section on French language exams.
WaterAid works in countries in Africa and Asia helping local people provide water and sanitation. There is a wealth of teaching and learning resources.
This site has the contact details for Enquire, the Scottish support service for additional support for learning (SEN). This helpline is there for parents, carers or educational practictioners. Part of the website is for young people with special needs.
Hinduism for Schools
Hinduism for Schools has been especially designed to help school children learn about Hinduism. You can find out about the main aspects of the religion. The Vivekananda Centre will help teachers find resources on Hinduism.
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Find out about the excellent free learning support services including teacher led visits which include art teaching and handling historical artefacts. The site includes information and photographs of Greek, Roman and Egyptian artefacts.
Geometric Solids
A teaching tool, which works well on an interactive whiteboard, which is good for learning about solid shapes and their properties. Explore the number of faces, edges and vertices. There are lesson plans which demonstrate how the tool can be used.
Welsh Assembly Government - Education and Skills
Find out here educational issues and policies affecting education in Wales. It has details of the free breakfast scheme for all primary children, National Curriculum Assessment results, information on Learning Pathways for 14 to 19 year olds and more.
Journey back to a time of great discovery and invention: the Renaissance. Learn what factors led up to this exceptional time in history, about its art, ideas, and notable figures. Interactive activities include an adventure as a spice trader.
Principles of Flight
Have you ever wondered how a plane gets off the ground? This page from Science Learning Hub explains.
Nature Detectives
A subscription site about nature from the Woodland Trust. Find out what to look out for in the natural world in the coming weeks. There are activities and resources to help you learn more about trees.