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Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns is a shapes sequencing game. Complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. There are three levels of difficulty.

3-8 year olds

Math Limbo

A timed addition game where you solve the equations by adding two single digit numbers and choosing the answer or by choosing an equivalent addition. It can be used to speed up your mental arithmetic skills. Different levels.

5-8 year olds

Paint the Squares

There are various sized interactive grids up to 120, all of which are configurable. They include a regular 100 square, a negative numbers grid, decimal numbers and puzzles. Ideal for starter or plenary activity.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Coins Game

Coins game is a money game which introduces children to coinage in British, Australian, American and Euro currencies. There are three modes: Sorting, Ordering and Counting money.

4-10 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Number Pieces

A great teaching resource which helps children to understand place value. It uses hundreds, tens and ones blocks. It's great for demonstrating decomposition as you can break apart the pieces.

5-7 year olds

Toy Shop Money Game

Money games where children work out which coins will buy toy shop items and where they can calculate change. Tablet-friendly and with different levels of difficulty. GDP, USD, EURO and AUD options are available.

4-11 year olds


A great mental maths challenge where you need to use the numbers available and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to hit the target. The game does not check your solution. Works well on IWB.

7-14 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Maths is Fun - Geometry

A good reference site if you need information about shapes and their properties, transformations, symmetry and angles.

11-16 year olds

Using a Calculator - Finding Change

Answer a variety of 2 step word problems using a calculator.

7-11 year olds

Add and Subtract on a Number Line

Try adding and subtracting near multiples on a number line. Develop mental methods of addition and subtraction by adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 or 100, and then adjusting. Works well on IWB.

7-11 year olds
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