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Addition to 10

A useful introduction to the concept of addition which features cute animals to count and a number line.

4-5 year olds

Coconut Odd or Even

Coconut Odd or Even can help children identify odd and even numbers. Recognising odd and even numbers is an important number concept in Key Stage 1.

5-7 year olds

3-2-1 Snack

A fun early counting game where children practise counting to 6.

3-4 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Num Tanga Junior

Match the pairs which could be numerals, numbers as words, ten frames, base ten or fingers on hands. There are different levels the highest of which goes up to 20.

4-6 year olds

100 Bead Rekenrek

A great teaching tool for helping children to understand two-digit numbers, place value, doubling, halving, counting in 5s and 10s, and more.

6-9 year olds

Subtraction to 10

This game provides a simple introduction to the concept of subtraction. Each calculation features a subtraction within 10, along with a pictorial representation of the start number.

5-6 year olds

Images to Inspire

Looking for inspiration for creative writing? Look no further. This great site from Teaching Packs has evocative photographs with lots of ideas for the classroom.

7-11 year olds

Hit the Button

Quick fire questions on number bonds, doubling, halving, times tables, division facts and square numbers against the clock. Brilliant for improving mental maths and calculation skills, but particularly times tables either up to 10 or up to 12 times.

5-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Bug Catcher

See if you can guess whether there are more bugs of one colour than another. Then catch the bugs to see if you were right before setting them free.

3-5 year olds

Math Visuals

Math Visuals has some really interesting and useful digital teaching tools to promote primary pupils' understanding of basic maths concepts. They work well in full-screen on an interactive whiteboard.

5-11 year olds
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