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Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

With our Zodiac Sign checker you see what Chinese Zodiac sign you were born under. It is more accurate than checking just by year especially if you have a January or February birth date.

5-14 year olds
Teachers, Pupils


Wow! Fancy learning a language for free? Look no further than Duolingo which offers lessons in over 40 different languages. Lessons feel like games where success is rewarded with points. Fantastic.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Digital Dialects

Digital Dialects features free to use games for learning more than 80 languages. Within are games for learning phrases, numbers, vocabulary, spelling, verb conjugation and alphabets.

0 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Grover's Winter Games

This game is probably suitable more for use at home than at school. It has three parts. The first has number to 15 number recognition activities, the second has shape patterns to complete and the third tests a child's ability to follow instructions.

4-5 year olds

The Greatest Game Ever

Can you beat the computer's number by making a three-digit number of greater value by choosing the place for each digit?

5-11 year olds

Ten Frames - 1 to 100

This manipulative is great for demonstrating two-digit numbers, ten more or less, one more or less and addition of two digit numbers.

6-8 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Fireworks, Sparkler and Bonfire Safety

On this RoSPA site you’ll find all the information you need to make sure your bonfire and firework parties are fun rather than dangerous.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Flip Counter

A brilliant counting tool which displays numbers up to 99.999. It is excellent for demonstrating 1 more or less, 10 more or less or 100 more or less. It is also useful as a place value tool and there is an optional decimal point.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Words for Life

Words for Life’s aim is to inspire more people to read, more regularly, for both pleasure and personal advancement. Useful booklists especially chosen to appeal to less confident readers. Free resources matched to books.

3-11 year olds

5 Fat Sausages

This is a one less action rhyme which can be played to accompany the song. Alternatively the game can be played with 10 sausages. It could be used to predict subtraction to 10 when children are learning number bonds to 10.

3-6 year olds
Pupils, Parents
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