Jessie and Friends
Jessie and Friends is a series of three animations which aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.
Carroll Diagrams - Odd and Even
Sort numbers on these Carroll Diagrams by whether they are odd or even, by place value or by more or less than a given number.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Listen to or read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Excellent animation.
Historic Royal Palaces - History and Stories
Discover interesting facts about Henry VIII and find out why he was so feared. Learn about his six wives and also about Queen Victoria and her empire.
Number Compare
Compare numbers and quantities up to 10, using a strategy such as grouping, subitizing, counting, or a number line.
Birds and Wildlife
A wonderful site about how to help birds and wildlife.
Teeth and Eating
An interactive website all about teeth, their uses and structure, how you should look after them, the different types of teeth. You can build a mouth in a drag and drop activity. Great on an interactive whiteboard in full-screen mode.
Web Whiteboard
A Web Whiteboard is touch-friendly online whiteboard app that enables you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to draw sketches, collaborate and share with others. Easy to use and no installation needed.
Pobble is an online platform for educationalists to share children’s writing giving them a chance to write for a purpose and for a global audience. It's free to register but requires a subscription for portfolio uploads.
Nuffield Primary Design and Technology
Great design and technology teaching units which include lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource requirements. Free to register on the site.