GCSE Bitesize - ICT
The BBC have come up with excellent revision notes if you are studying GCSE ICT. You can test your knowledge. Check your syllabus for coverage.
Christmas Games
Check out our favourite selection of Christmas games and interactive Advent Calendars. We think you will love playing them and have lots of fun.
Free online courses on coding are meant for use in all settings and can be taught by teachers, parents or volunteers. The coding activities are top quality and well worth a look.
The Barefoot Programme
The Barefoot Programme supports primary educators with the confidence, knowledge, skills and resources to teach computer science.It includes FREE high-quality resources, lesson plans and local CPD workshops.
Grover's Winter Games
This game is probably suitable more for use at home than at school. It has three parts. The first has number to 15 number recognition activities, the second has shape patterns to complete and the third tests a child's ability to follow instructions.
Capacity Countdown
A game by ICT games where you need to read the volumes on the scales in ml and l.
Handy Counters
A clever IWB resource from ICT games which models subtraction in a way in which you can see the removed amount.
Decorate the Christmas Tree
Decorate the Christmas Tree with colourful Christmas baubles and delightful Christmas characters in our festive game which is just the thing to get you in the Christmas spirit.
Teddy Numbers
The Teddy Numbers game can help you to learn numbers to 15. Learn the digits and words for the numbers and it game can help you learn to count too.
Caterpillar Ordering
A flexible game for ordering numbers and for number sequences. Fantastic on an interactive whiteboard. Levels range from ordering and sequencing numbers to 5 up to decimals.