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Grover's Winter Games

This game is probably suitable more for use at home than at school. It has three parts. The first has number to 15 number recognition activities, the second has shape patterns to complete and the third tests a child's ability to follow instructions.

4-5 year olds

Measuring in Cm

A measuring game which can help children to understand how to use a ruler. Children need to measure various objects against a centimetre ruler. Two levels of difficulty with whole centimetre and half centimetre examples.

5-9 year olds

Decorate the Christmas Tree

Decorate the Christmas Tree with colourful Christmas baubles and delightful Christmas characters in our festive game which is just the thing to get you in the Christmas spirit.

3-9 year olds

Christmas Patterns

A Christmas edition of our Shape Patterns game. This is a sequencing game where children from 3 to 8 years of age need to complete a sequence of Christmas icons by finding the missing shape. Excellent for logic and problem solving.

3-8 year olds

The Change Game

There are different levels of difficulty in this multiple choice game where you need to work out change from varying amounts. The game includes UK money and Euro options.

6-8 year olds

Blast Off

Blast Off is a mental maths game for 5 to 8 year olds which can help you to know your two digit numbers and help with addition and subtraction skills. It covers different vocabulary such as more than, less than, count on and count back.

5-8 year olds

Key Stage 3 Bitesize - Maths

Help is at hand for maths revision for Key Stage 3 Maths SATs. The site has resources for teachers too.

11-14 year olds

Elmo's World Games

Have fun exploring Elmo's World where there are lots of activities for you to try. Some games are useful for learning early shapes.

3-5 year olds

Find the Start Time

A maths game where you need to find the start time after a given time interval. Find the correct time on an analogue or digital clock. Lots of choice of level, including: subtracting 1 hour, multiples of 5, or 10 minutes and more.

7-11 year olds

Prodigy Game

An engaging adventure game for students as they explore the Prodigy Maths Game world. Answer maths questions to complete fantasy quests and earn in-game rewards. It's free too!

6-11 year olds
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