Ten Frames
A very versatile teaching tool which has 5, 10, 20 and 100 frames or grids as the facility to make your own custom frame. It could be used for addition especially number bonds, subtraction as well as creating multiplication arrays.
Follow the Direction NSEW
Follow the directions to find the destination on the grid. This game can help you learn compass directions.
Chopper Squad
A game which focuses on one more and less and ten more and less addition with the aid of number grids. It can help children learn two digit numbers and this game is a simpler version of our Helicopter Rescue game.
Show the Coordinate
A game which reinforces skills in finding coordinates. There is progression up to a 4 quadrant grid. Find the coordinates against the clock but take great care so you can get a 20 correct in a row.
Finding the Area of Compound Shapes
A good site on finding the area of a shape based on rectangles on a grid. Estimate first and then compare with the actual area of the shape. Good as an IWB demo tool for teaching how to apply the formula to compound shapes based on rectangles.
Bingo Coordinates
This is bingo coordinates game with three different coordinate grids. The first has numbers and letters on the axes, the second has numbers on both axes and the third includes negative numbers on the x axis.