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Thinking of a Number

Guess the number by revealing the clues on the clouds one by one. This site lends itself to use on an interactive whiteboard.

5-8 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Underwater Counting

Can you find the treasure? You need to count the underwater creatures. This game has two levels: Count to 5 and Count to 10.

3-5 year olds
Pupils, Parents


A delightful game where you find the sight words. This game is based on the first 100 high frequency words used in reading and writing.

5-7 year olds

Number Pieces

A great teaching resource which helps children to understand place value. It uses hundreds, tens and ones blocks. It's great for demonstrating decomposition as you can break apart the pieces.

5-7 year olds

Thinking Blocks Addition and Subtraction Problems

An excellent step by step tool for modelling addition and subtraction problems.

7-9 year olds
Teachers, Pupils


This teaching tool is useful for demonstrating 'Part-Part-Whole Model' for addition and subtraction particularly on an interactive whiteboard. Select which manipulatives you want to use and easily change your choice by pressing the 'change' button.

6-7 year olds

The Difference Bar

Use a linear partitioning tool to help find the difference between pairs of two-digit numbers such as 25 and 34. The examples in the resource always have a difference less than ten. Useful as a teaching resource on an interactive whiteboard.

7-9 year olds

5 Fat Sausages

This is a one less action rhyme which can be played to accompany the song. Alternatively the game can be played with 10 sausages. It could be used to predict subtraction to 10 when children are learning number bonds to 10.

3-6 year olds
Pupils, Parents

Images to Inspire

Looking for inspiration for creative writing? Look no further. This great site from Teaching Packs has evocative photographs with lots of ideas for the classroom.

7-11 year olds

Bee Hive - More and Less

In this game you need to identify one more and one less in numbers up to 10 or 20.

4-5 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents
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