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Owl and Mouse Interactive Maps

Free good quality maps, to print out, of countries and every continent of the world. Excellent interactive maps where you roll over the countries to see country names and capital cities.

5-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Hide and Seek

A counting game where you need to find from zero to 10 animals, the corresponding numeral and matching number word. You will need to look carefully to find everything.

4-6 year olds

Museum of Ten

A game to help you learn your number bonds to 10.

5-6 year olds

Nuffield Primary Design and Technology

Great design and technology teaching units which include lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource requirements. Free to register on the site.

5-11 year olds

Rocket Rounding

A multiple choice game involving rounding numbers to ten, a hundred and to a whole number. There are two options, one with a number line and the other more difficult level, without one.

7-11 year olds

Bead Numbers - Place Value

Bead Numbers is a place value investigation involving a tens and ones abacus. The game provides a good context for encouraging learners to think systematically.

6-8 year olds

Chopper Squad

A game which focuses on one more and less and ten more and less addition with the aid of number grids. It can help children learn two digit numbers and this game is a simpler version of our Helicopter Rescue game.

5-7 year olds

Caterpillar Ordering

A flexible game for ordering numbers and for number sequences. Fantastic on an interactive whiteboard. Levels range from ordering and sequencing numbers to 5 up to decimals.

4-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Compose and Decompose Numbers

A place value game which can help you to understand tens and ones.

6-7 year olds

Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns is a shapes sequencing game. Complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. There are three levels of difficulty.

3-8 year olds
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