Loop Cards
Loop cards can help to improve your mental maths. Complete the loop against the clock. All types of calculations. You play the game similar to dominoes. NB The 75% section is faulty.
Time Tools - 12 hour to the half hour
Match each digital clock to the matching analogue time. The times are based on the 12 hour clock and are on the half hours. Two separate games are available.
Interact with these Minibeasts
An interactive where you explore the body of a ladybird, an ant and a bee. You can rotate and zoom in on the minibeasts and click on hotspots which explain interesting facts about bees, ants and ladybirds. Brilliant in full-screen mode on an IWB.
Daily 10
Daily 10 has maths questions on a range of maths concepts: addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, digit values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles, halves and fractions. Great starter or plenary activity. Useful for mental maths.
Time Tools - 12 hours to the minute
A game where you can practise how to tell the time on both analogue and digital devices in this fun maths game. Match each 12 hour digital clock to the correct analogue clock.
Telling the Time in Words
A game where you need to tell the time in words. Use language such as 'o'clock', 'half past' and 'quarter to' and compare the analogue time to digital time. The site works very well on an interactive whiteboard.
Times or Divide Bingo
A useful class teaching resource on division and multiplication by 10 and 100. It includes decimals and is suitable for use on an interactive whiteboard.
Decorate the Christmas Tree
Decorate the Christmas Tree with colourful Christmas baubles and delightful Christmas characters in our festive game which is just the thing to get you in the Christmas spirit.
Chinese Dragon Game
Chinese Dragon Game is an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme.
Array Display
A really useful teaching tool for modelling multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.