iSpot is a website aimed at helping anyone identify anything in nature. You need to register and then you can add an observation to the website and suggest an identification yourself or see if anyone else can identify it for you.
Celebrating Saint David
A website about St. David, the patron saint of Wales, which is aimed at primary aged children and teachers.
Art & Design at KS3, KS4, GCSE & AS/A2 Level
Julia Stubbs, an Advanced Skills Teacher, in Art and Design has produced this website of exemplar art and design work by students in the UK.
Association for Citizenship Teaching
ACT is the professional association for those involved in citizenship education. This website offers resources and information to help teachers deliver citizenship education.
Cool Antarctica
Simply the best website about Antarctica that we know of. It has stacks of free to use pictures and is bursting with facts about Antarctica and its animals. It also includes the history of exploration, the climate and environmental issues.
About Antarctica
A comprehensive website which includes sections on wildlife, environment, education resources, images, tourism and more.
School Physics
This is the website for both students and teachers of Physics whether studied as a single subject or as part of a combined science course and is useful for those in the UK studying GCSE and A level Physics.
Riddle of the Black Panther
Track down a black panther reported to be prowling around a town. Interview witnesses and gather information from sources such as a website, an advertisement and a newspaper article. A good guide to writing a report.
The Gunpowder Plot: Parliament and Treason 1605
This UK Government website has information about the Gunpowder Plot with a downloadable fact sheet.
GCSE Bitesize - Drama
This website features useful video clips demonstrating drama techniques, a costume gallery which includes costume examples through the ages and more.