Spell Block Academy
A fun spelling game with a wizard theme. Use the provided words or create your own spelling list of words in the Spells book.
Alphabetical Ordering
This is a game for practising ordering words into the order they appear in the alphabet. The 6 levels extend from using the first letter of the words, to ordering words where the fourth letter determines the order.
Little Bird Spelling
This spelling game has tricky words listed in the National Curriculum as being 'common exception words'. It is a look, cover, write and check game.
Final Letters
A game where you need to find words with the same two letters at the end. See if you can find the words with the same ending sounds.
A delightful game where you find the sight words. This game is based on the first 100 high frequency words used in reading and writing.
Plural Pirates
A useful spelling tutorial and game about adding s or es to a word to make it into a plural. It also covers plurals of words ending in y.
Rhyme Time from Sesame Street
A charming early years game which is great for introducing the idea of rhyming. Children need to find words which rhyme with a given word.
Using a Calculator - Finding Change
Answer a variety of 2 step word problems using a calculator.
Fine Dictionary
FineDictionary.com includes definitions from 4 dictionaries with interesting facts, quotations, idioms and etymology as well as related words.
Stamp and Grunt
A phonics game which looks at CCVCC words for Phase 4 Letters and Sounds.