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Eat Move Learn

Eat Move Learn teaches 7–11-year-olds about healthy eating and being active in a fun way. There are tips on growing things you can eat, on what we need to stay healthy and on activities to get you moving. Find out how to cook healthy meals and snacks.

7-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Key Stage 2 Bitesize English

Designed to help Key Stage 2 English SATs revision, the site is limited in coverage, but the activities are still useful and are presented in a lively way likely to appeal to 10 and 11 year olds.

7-11 year olds

Key Stage 3 Bitesize - Biology

Learn key points and test your knowledge on the main topics which include Living Organisms, Nutrition, Digestion and Excretion, Respiration and Gas Exchange, Health and Diseases, Reproduction, Ecosystems and Habitats, and more.

11-14 year olds

Our Animals

A wonderful digital book about Australian animals which makes a super non-fiction text. It also includes informative videos about the animals which show how they live in the wild.

5-11 year olds

How We Make Stuff

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has developed this website to explore how we can learn from living systems and rethink the way we design, make and use our stuff.

7-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Bad Human Factors Designs

A scrapbook of illustrated examples of things that are hard to use because they do not follow human factors (also known as ergonomics) principles. The site examines why objects are poorly designed and suggests solutions.

11-18 year olds

Coal Mining and the Victorians

This feature looks at the lives of children working in coal mines in Victorian England. It includes extracts original sources which help to highlight the working conditions.

11-14 year olds


A Scottish advice service for children and young people. Need extra help at school? Enquire offers lots of ways to find out about support for learning, get advice and hear from other young people about the issues in their lives.

7-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Rainforest Alliance

Look inside and see the many wonders of the Rainforest and learn about the plants, animals and peoples that live there. Match the creatures to the many layers of the Rainforest and trace the production of bananas, coffee and chocolate.

11-16 year olds

Discovering the Arctic

Explore the Arctic region and how it is changing with the help of the people who live and work there.

11-16 year olds
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