Maths is Fun
A useful site if you are struggling with your maths as it explains different areas of maths. You can then work through examples and answers are provided. It is an American site, with something for all age groups. There is useful maths dictionary of terms.
Nutty Numbers
Count forwards and backwards in multiples of numbers from 2 to 12. This is a multiple choice game.
Environmental Impact
A straightforward multiple choice quiz which looks at how human behaviour can affect the environment.
Add and Subtract on a Number Line
Try adding and subtracting near multiples on a number line. Develop mental methods of addition and subtraction by adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 or 100, and then adjusting. Works well on IWB.
Spring Maths
Counting, ordering, sequencing, number bonds, addition, subtraction, multiplication and more, all set around the theme of Spring.
Funky Mummy
Funky Mummy is a number facts game. Practise quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.
Monty's Maths Wall
A good game for practising a wide range of mathematical skills including multiplication, addition, reading numbers, subtraction, fractions of numbers, division, decimals and percentages and simplifying fractions and more.
Guardians Defenders of Mathematica
A BBC Bitesize game where you pit your wits and mathematical skills against your enemies with weapons. Mathematical areas covered include: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, algebra and more.
The Change Game
There are different levels of difficulty in this multiple choice game where you need to work out change from varying amounts. The game includes UK money and Euro options.
Two-Colour Counters
An interactive where you can choose both red and yellow draggable counters. The use is open-ended but ideas include addition, difference, multiplication and division.