Final Letters
A game where you need to find words with the same two letters at the end. See if you can find the words with the same ending sounds.
Sight Words
Free resources designed to help parents teach their child to read. The learning materials can be used in the home or classroom. Includes lessons and instructional videos. Well worth a look!
How to Support a Pupil with Dyslexia
A concise page which explains what Dyslexia is and strategies teachers can use to help to identify and support pupils with Dyslexia.
Phoneme Pop
Based on 'Letters and Sounds' this game supports phoneme - grapheme correspondence. Great if your child is learning his or her letter sounds.
Words for Life
Words for Life’s aim is to inspire more people to read, more regularly, for both pleasure and personal advancement. Useful booklists especially chosen to appeal to less confident readers. Free resources matched to books.
Poop Deck Pirates
A phonics game which can help you to build words. Read the words and decide if they are real words or not. The game links to phases 3, 4 and 5 of the 'Letters and Sounds' programme. It works well on an interactive whiteboard.
Lovereading4kids is a book website for parents and children to help make book choices easier. You can download an extract from each book. Each book has a synopsis and reviews.
BBC Bitesize Science Key Stage 2
Colourful, interactive science activities from the BBC Bitesize on the key areas: materials, energy, light and sound, humans, plants and animals. Designed for 10 to 11 year olds.
Balloon Phonics
Balloon Phonics is a game which focuses on three letter words (cvc). There are three game modes: Initial sounds, Middle sounds and End sounds. Appropriate for Phase 2 Letters and Sounds.
El Salvador Geography Pack
Free KS2 El Salvador Geography pack including photo cards, classroom activities and an illustrated map and a free KS1 Bangladesh geography pack.