Secondary and A Level Maths Teaching Resources
Resources for teachers and lecturers using the free-standing mathematics units at Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels and also the AS Use of Mathematics.
CAFOD Teaching Resources
A selection of teaching resources including primary school assembly ideas which focus on the needs of the developing world, worksheets, factsheets and activities.
Pet Education Partnership
Pet Education Resources has been created to make it easier for teachers to find pet themed resources. The interactive map shows places you can visit or pet establishments who visits to schools.
Think! Road Safety
THINK! Education includes a wealth of road safety information, lesson plans and resources for pupils, teachers and parents.
Brian Cox School Experiments
These free resources support six experiments across the primary science curriculum, and each written resource is supported by videos.
An interactive whiteboard resource for teaching number sequences. Useful for use throughout Key Stage 2 as it has many different levels.
ITP Beadsticks
Mathsframe has produced a tablet friendly beadsticks resource which can help with understanding place value, partitioning and modelling addition and subtraction.
Science Teaching Resources for Interactive Whiteboards
Six PowerPoint or Smartboard Notebook teaching resources for KS4 Science. Topics include balancing equations, chemical reactions, formation of crude oil, fractional distillation, industrial uses of enzymes, the Atom, the Halogens and the Periodic Table.
2D Shape Reveal
An interactive whiteboard resource to help with the teaching and learning of the names and properties of 2D shapes.
Compare Numbers on a Number Line
Compare numbers on two different number lines and decide which is bigger. A great game to get children thinking about reading varying scales. Useful teaching resource on an interactive whiteboard.