Geometric Solids
A teaching tool, which works well on an interactive whiteboard, which is good for learning about solid shapes and their properties. Explore the number of faces, edges and vertices. There are lesson plans which demonstrate how the tool can be used.
Christmas Worksheets
We've put together a selection of Christmas-themed maths worksheets. There are counting, ordering, addition, subtraction, data-handling, measuring and symmetry activities. Mostly KS1 but the addition puzzles are suitable for KS2.
Paint the Squares
There are various sized interactive grids up to 120, all of which are configurable. They include a regular 100 square, a negative numbers grid, decimal numbers and puzzles. Ideal for starter or plenary activity.
Guardians Defenders of Mathematica
A BBC Bitesize game where you pit your wits and mathematical skills against your enemies with weapons. Mathematical areas covered include: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, algebra and more.
Christmas Activities
Try our selection of Christmas puzzles and colouring pictures.
Mystic Numbers
Solve the number puzzles and collect the treasures.
Key Stage 3 Bitesize - Maths
Help is at hand for maths revision for Key Stage 3 Maths SATs. The site has resources for teachers too.
Tessellation Creator
A useful resource for making tessellation patterns using regular polygons. What kind of tessellations can you make out of regular polygons?
Support materials and lesson plans about rivers and their journey to the sea from the Royal Geographical Society.
Area Perimeter Explorer
Create your own shapes with blocks and explore the relationship between perimeter and area. A useful teaching tool for demonstrating irregular shapes.