Tate Kids
Take a look at the games and activities on Tate Kids. You can watch videos about art and send in your own work. Get inspired to create art work in the style of famous artists.
The Vile Vendor Probability Game
The Vending Machine gives vile drinks such as Cabbage, Smelly Sock or Fresh Fish. You need to work out the likelihood of getting each flavour and choose a matching probability word: impossible, unlikely, equal, likely or certain.
Match the Times
A flexible matching pairs game which can help you to tell the time.
Minus Mission
Quick fire subtraction sums against the clock. This is a space invader type game with subtraction sums less than 20. Just the thing to sharpen your mental maths skills.
ict games
A treasure chest of delightful, free numeracy and literacy games for 5 to 8 year olds.
Underwater Counting
Can you find the treasure? You need to count the underwater creatures. This game has two levels: Count to 5 and Count to 10.
Pointillism for Kids - Painting with Dots
Help your child to understand the technique of Pointillism. Decorate a bookmark with this simple and effective project.
Spell Block Academy
A fun spelling game with a wizard theme. Use the provided words or create your own spelling list of words in the Spells book.
Gingerbread Man Game
Counting and sequencing games where you can learn your numbers to 10. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.
Noun Explorer
A game where you need to click on the fish with the noun to feed a worm to the fish.