The National Literacy Trust
The Trust maintains an online database, and provides information and support to all those interested in enhancing literacy standards. It organises seminars and conferences.
Abpi Resources for Schools
A selection of superbly designed, motivating science modules for ages 5 to 18. Included are interactive games, animations, downloadable resources such as posters and worksheets.
Maths Invaders
Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.
Meteor Multiplication
Shoot the meteors that have the answers to the multiplication questions. This will really test your knowledge of all your times tables! There are three levels of difficulty.
Fractions of Amounts Bingo
A superb way for finding fractions of amounts including fractions of measures: cm, grams and ml. This teaching resource is ideal for mental maths sessions using an interactive whiteboard. It requires knowledge of tables. Ideal for SATs.
Chemistry Library
A self-guided course with videos from the Khan Academy. You can also get answers to your questions.
Multiplication Facts
Test your knowledge of multiplication tables at your own pace. If you make a mistake you get a chance to try again. No frills but it does the job and there is a scoring system.
GCSE Bitesize - Chemistry
Subjects covered include changing materials, geology, patterns of behaviour and structure of materials. Test yourself on the interactive quiz.
Footprints have produced quality PowerPoint slides that cover the GCSE Science requirements. A subscription service but the site includes free demonstration samples.
Bingo Coordinates
This is bingo coordinates game with three different coordinate grids. The first has numbers and letters on the axes, the second has numbers on both axes and the third includes negative numbers on the x axis.