Teeth and Eating
An interactive website all about teeth, their uses and structure, how you should look after them, the different types of teeth. You can build a mouth in a drag and drop activity. Great on an interactive whiteboard in full-screen mode.
Home Sweet Home Front
The Home Sweet Home Front website tells the story of life on the British home front during World War Two. Illustrated with posters and photographs.
UK Space Agency
This website will tell you what you want to know about space, how to find out about opportunities for students, resources for teachers and more information on how the UK Space Agency is supporting education.
The Bug Club
A website for children who are interested in bugs. Some useful information if you are doing a minibeasts topic in school. Aimed at 5 - 15 year olds.
Created by a parent, this website gives advice to other parents about home education for children with dyslexia. There is information to help you identify factors which indicate dyslexia.
Looking after Your Pet
This is a section of the PDSA website where you can find out about all sorts of pets and read advice from vets on how to take care of them.
Roald Dahl Day
A super website centred around Roald Dahl's books and his wonderful characters. There are ideas also to get creative yourself.
This site has the contact details for Enquire, the Scottish support service for additional support for learning (SEN). This helpline is there for parents, carers or educational practictioners. Part of the website is for young people with special needs.
Why do we remember Florence Nightingale?
Here the National Archives website has produced details about Florence Nightingale based on original photographs and documents. Useful as a teacher reference for lesson ideas.
This website provides online access to selected news stories and features from The TES and each of its magazines, as they are published. It includes a searchable jobs database and a forum for ideas and questions.