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Make a Chinese New Year of the Monkey Card

Download our simple template to make either a Chinese New Year of the Monkey greetings card or a monkey stick puppet.

7-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Ratio Blaster

Ratio Blaster is an arcade style game which provides practice in finding equal ratios. Hits and misses are recorded so you can track your progress.

11-14 year olds

Clock Splat

Match simple analogue times with digital equivalents. There are three levels of difficulty: hours, half hours and quarter hours.

6-8 year olds

Think! Road Safety

THINK! Education includes a wealth of road safety information, lesson plans and resources for pupils, teachers and parents.

3-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Thirty minute medley of nursery rhymes

Join in and sing along to a collection of nursery rhymes and songs.

2-5 year olds

Helicopter Rescue

A game which focuses on numbers from up to 10, to up to 100. There are four game modes: Find a Number, Find the Number Between and Count On and Count Back. The counting on and back games reinforce the vocabulary of addition and subtraction.

4-8 year olds

The Victorians

A comprehensive radio broadcasts about the Victorians from the BBC which includes information on the lives of Victorian children, the railways, key events and key people from the era.

7-11 year olds

Phoneme Patterns

Quickly find readable words associated with YR, Y1 and Y2 phonemes from Letters & Sounds in this sound buttons and phoneme family resource.

5-7 year olds

Story Shuffle

Unscramble the historical stories and find out when in history they took place. They feature the relationship between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, the Gunpowder Plot, a plot to steal the Crown jewels and the legend of the ravens at the Tower of London.

8-11 year olds

The Women War Workers of the North West

A feature from the Imperial War Museum which focuses on some of the roles women took on in the North West of England during the Second World War.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils
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