A useful explanation about volcanoes from BBC Bitesize. It includes footage of erupting volcanoes and animations with explanatory information.
Epilepsy Action
Excellent information and advice about this condition.
The Heart of Hinduism
An extensive educational resource which describes Hindu traditions, core beliefs and values. It is packed with information.
Rationing in the Second World War
Information, posters and photographs which are brilliant for a topic on World War 2.
Maths is Fun - Geometry
A good reference site if you need information about shapes and their properties, transformations, symmetry and angles.
Think! Road Safety
THINK! Education includes a wealth of road safety information, lesson plans and resources for pupils, teachers and parents.
Essex Wildlife Trust
On this YouTube channel there are some fabulous informative videos about wildlife with lots of activities you can try at home.
Information about Ancient Greece from the BBC.
How the Lungs Work
Information on respiration. It includes an excellent animation with narration about how the lungs work and gas exchange.
Information about Lent which is the 40 days coming up to Easter. Find out how Christians prepare for Easter during Lent.