Ten Frames
A very versatile teaching tool which has 5, 10, 20 and 100 frames or grids as the facility to make your own custom frame. It could be used for addition especially number bonds, subtraction as well as creating multiplication arrays.
Count the Yeti 1 to 10
Can you count the Yetis? Three different levels with numbers from 1 to 10.
5 Fat Sausages
This is a one less action rhyme which can be played to accompany the song. Alternatively the game can be played with 10 sausages. It could be used to predict subtraction to 10 when children are learning number bonds to 10.
Multiplication Facts
Test your knowledge of multiplication tables at your own pace. If you make a mistake you get a chance to try again. No frills but it does the job and there is a scoring system.
Ladybird Spots
Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children.
Letter Planet
Fill up the rocket with fuel by choosing the words that have 'sh', 'ch' or 'th' in them.
Bee Hive - More and Less
In this game you need to identify one more and one less in numbers up to 10 or 20.
Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo
An abridgement by the BBC of Michael Morpurgo's moving story about a soldier called Thomas "Tommo" Peaceful, who is looking back on his life from the trenches of World War 1. It underlines the senselessness of war.
Flip Counter
A brilliant counting tool which displays numbers up to 99.999. It is excellent for demonstrating 1 more or less, 10 more or less or 100 more or less. It is also useful as a place value tool and there is an optional decimal point.
Demolition Division
A game which helps you to learn division. Tanks with division problems move towards your blaster. Fire at the correct problem to save your blaster from destruction. Good for sharpening mental maths skills.