Environmental Impact
A straightforward multiple choice quiz which looks at how human behaviour can affect the environment.
Food a Fact of Life
Free resources for teaching young people aged 3-16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating.
Brian Cox School Experiments
These free resources support six experiments across the primary science curriculum, and each written resource is supported by videos.
A simple animation to show muscle and diaphragm action for breathing in and out in the human body.
Fieldwork Planning
information and instructions for a range of geography fieldwork techniques that can be used by students in different locations and settings. The resources can be used by teachers either as a teaching aid or by students as a revision aid.
Connecting event organisers, volunteers and speakers to put on live science event including virtual lectures and science fairs.
Excellent resources for GCSE and A Level science students. There over 200 pages of material, including interactive resources, teachers' notes, student worksheets and references to scientific applications.
Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity
Read about the life of Marie Curie and the contribution she made to the science of radioactivity.
GCSE Bitesize
All GCSE Bitesize revision guides from the BBC are featured on this site.
Peep and the Big Wide World
The animated series Peep and the Big Wide World has games aimed at teaching science and maths to preschoolers.