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Birds and Wildlife

A wonderful site about how to help birds and wildlife.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

A River's Journey

The journey of a river can be divided into three sections: upper, middle and lower. This site features video footage of rivers in the three stages and explains what happens in each stage.

9-14 year olds

How to Support a Pupil with Dyslexia

A concise page which explains what Dyslexia is and strategies teachers can use to help to identify and support pupils with Dyslexia.

6-11 year olds

Ali and the Magic Carpet

Follow Ali on his magic carpet journey to different parts of the world! A delightful animated story.

3-5 year olds

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

An animated story of the traditional story of the Three Bears. There is a sequencing activity to print out to go with the story.

3-7 year olds

A Walk Through Time - The Evolution of Time Measurement

This presentation traces the history of time keeping from the earliest clocks to present day. It explains ancient calendars and time zones.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Yorkshire Water - Education

Free downloadable teaching and pupil resources about water and the water cycle for primary schools. Everything is here if you are planning a school trip.

7-11 year olds

All about Autumn

Find out about autumn in simple, illustrated text for children by Topmarks. It looks at the things that happen and are seen in Autumn in the UK.

6-9 year olds

Horrible Histories - Raid and Trade

Take charge of settlements in order to protect and guide Viking villagers to victory in battle and learn about Viking life along the way.

9-11 year olds

In the Jungles of Brazil

A charming animated song about jungle animals. Children can sing along and and join in with the animal noises.

3-5 year olds
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