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Adjustable Spinner

Conduct a probability experiment by creating a spinner of your own choice and spinning it many times. See how your results compare with the theoretical probability.

11-13 year olds

Tessellation Creator

A useful resource for making tessellation patterns using regular polygons. What kind of tessellations can you make out of regular polygons?

5-11 year olds

Home Improvement

A tutorial which explains how to find the area of squares and rectangles. There are examples for you to try to work out.

9-10 year olds

Spelling Bee

The spelling activities on this US site are for children aged 5 in September (Grade 1) up to age 17 in September (Grade 10). The primary age activities are good exercises for KS1 and KS2 spelling SATs in England as they follow a similar format.

5-18 year olds

Blast Off

Blast Off is a mental maths game for 5 to 8 year olds which can help you to know your two digit numbers and help with addition and subtraction skills. It covers different vocabulary such as more than, less than, count on and count back.

5-8 year olds

Acids, Bases and Salts

Test your understanding of acids, alkalis, bases and salts in this quiz. Find out the difference between alkalis and bases, how acids and alkalis react with one another, how neutralisation can produce salts and the relevance of pH values.

14-16 year olds


An animation where a boy explains why Diwali is his favourite time of the year. Afterwards you can make your own firework display!

5-11 year olds


A delightful game where you find the sight words. This game is based on the first 100 high frequency words used in reading and writing.

5-7 year olds

Add and Subtract on a Number Line

Try adding and subtracting near multiples on a number line. Develop mental methods of addition and subtraction by adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 or 100, and then adjusting. Works well on IWB.

7-11 year olds

Crystal Crash

An addictive find fractions of numbers game where you throw the pickaxe at the correct answer. Different levels including find half of up to 20, 40 or 100, find unit fractions of number, or multiples of 1/10 of numbers. Super homework activity.

7-11 year olds
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