Teaching English
Free classroom materials including short activities to full lesson plans, for teaching kids and adults. There are also articles on teaching English, and free teacher development and teacher training materials.
Skillswise Word Grammar
Games, short videos and quizzes from the BBC to help adults improve their knowledge of parts of speech such as nouns, adjectives and the like. The games are useful for children too.
Religious Festivals
A list of religious festivals throughout the year with a short description of each.
What is the Circulatory System?
A simple video explaining why we have a circulatory system and its function. There is also a short quiz to test your knowledge.
How to Draw in Perspective
A short video showing how to draw in perspective.
Child's Progress Checker
These progress checkers will provide short questions you can answer to see how your baby or child is getting on with their talking and understanding of words.
The Wind in the Willows
Listen to The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham told in ten episodes by Bernard Cribbins. Each episode is accompanied by a short synopsis and a printable transcript, for the children to follow. There are follow-up ideas for teachers.