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This digital teaching tool has both a 20 and 100 Rekenrek. It is useful teaching tool for an interactive whiteboard.

5-9 year olds

Easter Nests

A step by step guide to making delicious Easter nests for Easter time. Easy enough for children to make.

5-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Top 10 Tips for Revision

Exams and tests can be a stressful time for most students, but follow these fantastic stress-free tips for revising kindly contributed by the pupils of Kingsley School.

11-18 year olds

Make a Horse Puppet for Chinese New Year

How about making this cute hobby-horse puppet as the horse is one of the Chinese Zodiac animals? Fits in well with a Chinese New Year topic.

6-11 year olds

Make a Snake Mobile

We show you how to make a simple snake mobile. This activity fits in well with a Chinese New Year topic as the snake is one of the zodiac animals.

6-11 year olds

Addition to 10

A useful introduction to the concept of addition which features cute animals to count and a number line.

4-5 year olds

What Fraction?

A IWB teaching resource for helping children to understand fractions of amounts. This resource has attractive sets of images which can be changed to represent different fractions. Intended for oral work.

6-11 year olds

Match the Times

A flexible matching pairs game which can help you to tell the time.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Symmetry Sorting

Sort the pictures, shapes and letters into symmetrical and not symmetrical sets.

6-8 year olds

Alphabetical Ordering

This is a game for practising ordering words into the order they appear in the alphabet. The 6 levels extend from using the first letter of the words, to ordering words where the fourth letter determines the order.

6-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils
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