Chinese Dragon Game
Chinese Dragon Game is an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme.
Paint the Squares
There are various sized interactive grids up to 120, all of which are configurable. They include a regular 100 square, a negative numbers grid, decimal numbers and puzzles. Ideal for starter or plenary activity.
A great mental maths challenge where you need to use the numbers available and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to hit the target. The game does not check your solution. Works well on IWB.
Maths Worksheets Y1-Y6
An excellent selection of printable maths worksheets from Mathsframe available through subscription.
Maths Tutorial Index
Interactive A Level maths tutorials.
Free YouTube Video Tutorials GCSE Maths
Ten free video tutorials on topics such as constructing angles, quadratic formula and rounding.
Maths is Fun - Geometry
A good reference site if you need information about shapes and their properties, transformations, symmetry and angles.
Robot More or Less
Robot More or Less is a flexible addition or subtraction matching game. It is useful for developing mental maths skills.
The Fuse School
A growing range of free secondary age group teaching videos on maths, biology, physics and chemistry. The functional maths section is also suitable for primary pupils.
Minus Mission
Quick fire subtraction sums against the clock. This is a space invader type game with subtraction sums less than 20. Just the thing to sharpen your mental maths skills.