Christmas Wordsearch
See if you can find all the Christmas words in this Christmas word search puzzle. You can either solve the puzzle online or print it out.
Fizzy Funny Fuzzy Poetry for Kids
Funny poems for children on lots of different subjects. The author is Gareth Lancaster. You can print out the poems and email them to a friend if you want.
Spanish Songs for Kids
Free Spanish songs for children with support materials which include colour-in worksheets with lyrics and cover topics such as numbers and colours, feelings, parts of the body, clothing, the four seasons and much more!
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
This is a maths dictionary for students which explains over 600 common mathematical terms and maths words in simple language.
RSPB Kids Learn about Nature
Learn and play your way through the wonderful world of wildlife.
A safe place for kids to learn and play chess. Discover the rules and strategies of chess! Parents will need to register their children.
Match the Times
A flexible matching pairs game which can help you to tell the time.
Word Collapse
A clever word game which requires logical thinking to find the solutions.
Animal Home Builder
A delightful series of activities where children need to follow instructions to help to build animal homes for a cat, dog, bird and rabbit.
Musical Christmas Wreath
Listen carefully to the musical sequence and see if you can copy it.