Bee Hive - More and Less
In this game you need to identify one more and one less in numbers up to 10 or 20.
Number Fact Families
Can you find all the number fact families? Just the thing for learning the relationship between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.
Teddy Numbers
The Teddy Numbers game can help you to learn numbers to 15. Learn the digits and words for the numbers and it game can help you learn to count too.
BBC Bitesize English Key Stage 1
Video clips on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Reading and Writing, Speaking and Listening and Types of Text.
Maths Choppity Chop
This game covers a selection of maths questions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, doubling and more. Answer the questions then chop the vegetables but avoid the steel bar and saw.
Math Visuals
Math Visuals has some really interesting and useful digital teaching tools to promote primary pupils' understanding of basic maths concepts. They work well in full-screen on an interactive whiteboard.
Price Lists
Money activities where you decide what you want to buy and work out the total cost. See the items displayed in a bill. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.
Save the Whale
Complete the number bonds to set the whale free. You can choose different totals up to 10.
100 Hunt
A simple game where you need to add 10 to other numbers on a hundred square. It is best displayed on full screen and would work well on an interactive whiteboard.
Learning Letters and Words through Play Activities
Help your child to learn letters and words through play activities with this guide for parents by Topmarks.