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Looking after Your Pet

This is a section of the PDSA website where you can find out about all sorts of pets and read advice from vets on how to take care of them.

7-14 year olds

Shark Numbers

A hundreds, tens and units maths game. Count carefully otherwise the shark will bite your boat.

5-7 year olds

Online Stopwatch and Timer

Set up this digital stopwatch or set the timer to count down the time. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.

5-14 year olds

Spring Maths

Counting, ordering, sequencing, number bonds, addition, subtraction, multiplication and more, all set around the theme of Spring.

5-9 year olds

Nutty Numbers

Count forwards and backwards in multiples of numbers from 2 to 12. This is a multiple choice game.

5-9 year olds

Number Compare

Compare numbers and quantities up to 10, using a strategy such as grouping, subitizing, counting, or a number line.

4-5 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

In the Jungles of Brazil

A charming animated song about jungle animals. Children can sing along and and join in with the animal noises.

3-5 year olds

Student Art Guide

An informative site targeted at helping International GCSE and A Level Art students. It has useful advice and techniques for coursework.

16-18 year olds

Florence Nightingale

A wonderful animated, narrated story about Florence Nightingale.

6-8 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Elizabeth 1

An excellent animated short video about Queen Elizabeth 1.

7-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils
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