Nutty Numbers
Count forwards and backwards in multiples of numbers from 2 to 12. This is a multiple choice game.
Number Compare
Compare numbers and quantities up to 10, using a strategy such as grouping, subitizing, counting, or a number line.
Teach Your Monster to Read
A free game for young children to practise the first steps of reading. The game is built on the principles of synthetic phonics and follows the teaching sequence of the Letters and Sounds programme.
Code for Life - Rapid Router
Code for Life is a free initiative which helps primary school children learn to code. The site has been designed to support British teachers in the delivery of the computer science curriculum with specific reference to coding skills.
Art for Kids Hub
A super YouTube Channel which shows step-by-step how to complete a wide range of artwork.
Dropping In
A great sentence exercise which can help you to write interesting sentences.
Abpi Resources for Schools
A selection of superbly designed, motivating science modules for ages 5 to 18. Included are interactive games, animations, downloadable resources such as posters and worksheets.
Family Lives Parenting Videos
Brilliant! A YouTube channel for parents of 5 - 19 year olds that is packed with videos with advice on raising children. Topics relate to learning, well-being and behaviour.
Bookstart is a UK programme which encourages parents and carers to enjoy books with children. Find out about free packs of books and download colourful songsheets which have songs and rhymes to share with your child.
Help a Hedgehog
A super read the word challenge game. You have 90 seconds to read as many words as you can. The words are matched to Letters and Sounds Phases 2 and 3 or you can enter your own words.The game helps decoding and blending words.