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Teaching Library

Teaching Ideas has excellent free teaching suggestions and lesson resources linked to a selection of children's books and literature.

5-11 year olds

Connect 4 Factors

A challenging one or two player puzzle based on the Connect 4 game. You really have to think about your factors. Are you up to the challenge?

8-11 year olds

Transport Spot the Difference

Our fun spot the difference transport game is based on the classic puzzle game which will challenge your observational skills and help your concentration. Can you find all the small differences between eight similar pairs of pictures?

5-9 year olds

Growing Up in the Second World War

The Second World War was a time of major upheaval for children in Britain with over a million evacuated from towns and cities. Here are 11 ways children were affected by the Second World War.

9-14 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Maths Invaders

Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.

6-11 year olds

Teach in Scotland

If you teach in another part of the UK or overseas find out everything you need to know about a teaching career in Scotland.

3-16 year olds

Christmas Spot the Difference

Challenge your observation skills with our fun Christmas Spot the Difference game. Can you find all the differences between the pictures?

7-11 year olds

Space Spot the Difference

Challenge your observation skills with our fun space themed spot the difference game. Can you find all the differences between the pictures?

7-11 year olds

CAFOD Teaching Resources

A selection of teaching resources including primary school assembly ideas which focus on the needs of the developing world, worksheets, factsheets and activities.

5-11 year olds


Picademy is the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s flagship free teacher-training initiative. It’s a two-day course that allows educators to experience what can be achieved with a little help and lots of imagination.

7-11 year olds
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