The Gunpowder Plot
A PowerPoint and videos about the Gunpowder Plot. The videos serve as an introduction to the story of Guy Fawkes and the origins of Bonfire night but they are not suitable for younger pupils.
Exploring the Christian Faith
A good site about Christianity which has details about the major festivals, Bible stories and information about different churches and ethical issues facing Christians.
William Wilberforce
Explore the life and political and social achievements of William Wilberforce, the Hull MP, who was instrumental in the campaign to abolish British involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
The Great Fire of London
Explore the story of the fire in detail by following the timeline and investigating the people, objects and themes. Interactive activities along the way to help you understand how we know about the Great Fire.
What Did Children Eat in World War 2?
A resource which demonstrates the different aspects of rationing during the Second World War and its effects on ordinary British people. It includes cross-curricular teaching ideas.
Listen and Play The Billy Goats Gruff
An EYFS resource from the BBC which has songs, rhymes and listening games as well as the story The Billy Goats Gruff.
The Array
Create and solve easy multiplications such as 9 x 3. Examine relationships between rows, columns and areas in arrays. Useful to demonstrate multiplications on an IWB.
The Children's Poetry Archive
A superb selection of poems arranged by themes, style or author. You can listen to an audio track of each poem being read by the author.
Decorate the Christmas Tree
Decorate the Christmas Tree with colourful Christmas baubles and delightful Christmas characters in our festive game which is just the thing to get you in the Christmas spirit.
The Barefoot Programme
The Barefoot Programme supports primary educators with the confidence, knowledge, skills and resources to teach computer science.It includes FREE high-quality resources, lesson plans and local CPD workshops.