Google Arts and Culture
Explore museums from around the world and zoom in on artworks at incredible zoom levels.
Kids and Reading
KidsAndReading contains over 50 articles which focus on encouraging and helping children to read. Find out about different learning styles, classroom methods and problems which can arise with reading.
Animals and Plants
This site by San Diego Zoo is a mine of information about animals and plants, written especially for young people. It is a fabulous resource for research about paricular animals and is well worth a visit.
Sounds and Actions
A useful demonstration on YouTube of the phonics sounds and actions from a teacher using the Jolly Phonics scheme.
Addition and Subtraction Ladder
Try the simple addition and subtraction sums to build your ladder. The examples include missing numbers or addends.
Jack and the Beanstalk
An animated story of the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk in short video clips from the BBC.
Hide and Seek
A counting game where you need to find from zero to 10 animals, the corresponding numeral and matching number word. You will need to look carefully to find everything.
Community and Grassroots Sport in Wales
Find out details of how you can get help for community sports clubs and sports projects in Wales.
Wired is a free atmospheric puzzle-platform game where you must wire up electrical circuits to get through. The circuits become increasingly complex as new concepts are introduced and various components have to be used together.
Sight Words
Free resources designed to help parents teach their child to read. The learning materials can be used in the home or classroom. Includes lessons and instructional videos. Well worth a look!