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The Ballad of Lisa the Lemur

Lemurs are in danger as rainforests disappear. Listen to the song about Lemurs and see what is happening as rainforests are destroyed.

5-11 year olds

The Lucky Seed

A delightful, animated story about a seed which grows up to become a tree. It is ideal for use on an interactive whiteboard and for a topic on growing. Best in full screen mode.

3-7 year olds

All about Autumn

Find out about autumn in simple, illustrated text for children by Topmarks. It looks at the things that happen and are seen in Autumn in the UK.

6-9 year olds

Underwater Counting

Can you find the treasure? You need to count the underwater creatures. This game has two levels: Count to 5 and Count to 10.

3-5 year olds
Pupils, Parents

The Battle of the Somme

Discover the stories about the longest and costliest battle in British history. Find out how the Battle was planned and fought, about the experiences of the people who were involved and about the battlefields today.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Guided Reading and Reading Games with Roy the Zebra

A wonderful guided reading story with accompanying printable worksheets and guided reading discussion sheets. There are 80 interactive literacy games, stories and songs for use in school or at home. Well worth a look!

5-7 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

The First World War

This site from the Imperial War Museum is bursting with information, organised in a variety of different media, about the First World War.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Pyramids - The Inside Story

Follow an excavation and discover how archaeological finds from the pyramids help us to understand life in ancient Egypt. Find out who built the pyramids and how old they are.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Time Tools - 24 hour to the minute

A time challenge which is suitable for use on an interactive whiteboard. It involves matching times on a 12 hour clock with a 24 hour clock.

10-13 year olds

Chinese Dragon Game

Chinese Dragon Game is an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme.

4-11 year olds
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