Numberline Lane
Suggested activities and worksheets for young children set around the characters from the Numberline Lane books which are designed to help both the teaching and learning of maths through stories. Useful for parents or teachers.
Phoneme Pop
Based on 'Letters and Sounds' this game supports phoneme - grapheme correspondence. Great if your child is learning his or her letter sounds.
Fun with Spot
An introduction to the well-loved character Spot, the dog. There are excellent interactive educational activities and colouring sheets. There is bake a cake game and a create a story game.
What are odd and even numbers?
A Bitesize feature which explains how even numbers divide between two and odd don't. Try your hand at making the monkeys happy.
Maths Fishing
Practise your multiplication skills. The game not only covers times tables but also doubles, squared and cubed numbers.
100 Bead Rekenrek
A great teaching tool for helping children to understand two-digit numbers, place value, doubling, halving, counting in 5s and 10s, and more.
Blast Off
Blast Off is a mental maths game for 5 to 8 year olds which can help you to know your two digit numbers and help with addition and subtraction skills. It covers different vocabulary such as more than, less than, count on and count back.
Ten Frames
A very versatile teaching tool which has 5, 10, 20 and 100 frames or grids as the facility to make your own custom frame. It could be used for addition especially number bonds, subtraction as well as creating multiplication arrays.
Guardians Defenders of Mathematica
A BBC Bitesize game where you pit your wits and mathematical skills against your enemies with weapons. Mathematical areas covered include: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, algebra and more.
Designed for use with an interactive whiteboard this is a great resource for demonstrating place value including decimals, counting, addition and subtraction.