Ten Frame Modeller
The Ten Frame Modeller is a useful teaching tool to help children visualise numbers within 10 and also 20. It can be used for counting, addition, subtraction and missing number problems.
Virtual Unifix
This is a manipulative which has virtual Unifix which can be snapped together. Better on desktop machines than tablets. Poor on iPad.
Maths Hubs
The purpose of the Maths Hubs Programme, coordinated by the NCETM, is to help schools and colleges lead improvement in mathematics education in England.
Dartboard Multiplication
Are you up for the challenge? Sharpen up your skills with these games which really test your knowledge of multiplication tables. Don't forget to put your number in the centre. Works well on IWB.
Designed for use with an interactive whiteboard this is a great resource for demonstrating place value including decimals, counting, addition and subtraction.
Learn to read a thermometer. Useful for getting to grips with reading lots of different scales. Also work out the difference in temperature between two thermometers.
Prodigy Game
An engaging adventure game for students as they explore the Prodigy Maths Game world. Answer maths questions to complete fantasy quests and earn in-game rewards. It's free too!
Hit the Button Maths App
App version of our popular Hit the Button game. Available on iPad, Android, Windows and Mac. Topics include number bonds, times tables, division, doubling, halving and square numbers. Covers up to 12 x tables.
Maths Choppity Chop
This game covers a selection of maths questions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, doubling and more. Answer the questions then chop the vegetables but avoid the steel bar and saw.
Learning Numbers Through Play
Help your child learn numbers through play activities with this guide for parents by Topmarks.