Ash Wednesday
Read about the religious traditions of Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent in Christian churches in the UK.
Chinese New Year Songs and Videos
Just what the title says. The videos are useful because they show Chinese New Year customs and traditions.
Make a Goat Mobile for Chinese New Year
How about making this goat mobile to celebrate the Year of the Goat? Just download our free template and follow the simple instructions.
Christmas Worksheets
We've put together a selection of Christmas-themed maths worksheets. There are counting, ordering, addition, subtraction, data-handling, measuring and symmetry activities. Mostly KS1 but the addition puzzles are suitable for KS2.
Ways to Make
Essentially a number bonds to 10 site the children need to find how many different ways they can put teddies in two houses. The site works well on an interactive whiteboard.
Pay using 1 coin
A shopping game where you pay for the items using single value coins.
Learn to read a thermometer. Useful for getting to grips with reading lots of different scales. Also work out the difference in temperature between two thermometers.
Dartboard Addition
Use the image of a dartboard to reinforce addition. You can choose to reveal or input the answers.
Fractions of Amounts Bingo
A superb way for finding fractions of amounts including fractions of measures: cm, grams and ml. This teaching resource is ideal for mental maths sessions using an interactive whiteboard. It requires knowledge of tables. Ideal for SATs.
A teaching resource which demonstrates division of objects by grouping them. There are two options, one with and the other without remainders.