Number Compare
Compare numbers and quantities up to 10, using a strategy such as grouping, subitizing, counting, or a number line.
Ladybird Spots
Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children.
Count the Yeti 1 to 10
Can you count the Yetis? Three different levels with numbers from 1 to 10.
Demolition Division
A game which helps you to learn division. Tanks with division problems move towards your blaster. Fire at the correct problem to save your blaster from destruction. Good for sharpening mental maths skills.
Number Rack
A fantastic abacus type resource of moveable, coloured beads that encourage learners to think in groups of fives and tens. It can help children to explore a variety of addition and subtraction strategies. Great IWB teaching tool.
Counting Caterpillar
Order numbers along a branch. You can select the minimum and maximum numbers. Lends itself well to an interactive whiteboard.
Countdown Game
This is a version of the TV Countdown game maths puzzle. Unfortunately not all of the menu options are working properly but we include it by popular request.
Maths Invaders
Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.
Magic Verbs
Choose a better verb to make the sentences more interesting. The characters are animated to match the verbs. The game is lends itself well to starter or plenary sessions displayed on an interactive whiteboard.
Higher and Lower
How good are you at ordering numbers? Lots of examples to try from simple ordering numbers to 10 to fractions, decimals or negative and positive numbers. Please be aware the input numbers section is faulty.