Using Salt to Melt Ice
An experiment which will fascinate children if you are working on freezing and melting in science. Catch an ice cube with a pinch of salt and string.
What are odd and even numbers?
A Bitesize feature which explains how even numbers divide between two and odd don't. Try your hand at making the monkeys happy.
Moving Digit Cards
An interactive whiteboard teaching aid for place value. It demonstrates the effect of multiplying and dividing whole or decimal numbers by 0.1, 10 or 100. The columns headed by letters are incorrectly labelled.
Maths Fishing
Practise your multiplication skills. The game not only covers times tables but also doubles, squared and cubed numbers.
Starfall - Learn to Read
A good learning to read site. There are good quality games and animated stories which children can interact with. The children can click on words to see what they say. Excellent for learning the sounds the letters make.
Chance to Shine
Chance to Shine has created a bank of free resources to help teachers lead cricket sessions with confidence. These include lesson plans for coaching sessions, instructional videos for all the skills and drills and tips from the professionals.
BBC Bitesize Maths Key Stage 2
Two learner guides and fourteen class video clips on place value and decimals.
Chemistry Library
A self-guided course with videos from the Khan Academy. You can also get answers to your questions.
A great teaching tool for fractions. Use a bar or circle to represent, compare, and perform operations with fractions with denominators from 1 to 100. Reveal or hide numeric labels as needed.
Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
Just what it says, a superb guide to the instruments of an orchestra. It is based on music by Benjamin Britten who was commissioned to write music to help children understand instruments in an orchestra.