Ladybird Spots
Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children.
Chinese Dragon Game
Chinese Dragon Game is an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme.
Get Safe Online
Get Safe Online is sponsored by the UK Government and leading businesses with the aim of helping you to protect yourself and your family against Internet threats.
What was it like in Roman Britain?
Find out what it was like in Roman Britain and what customs the Romans brought with them. It covers family life and there is an interactive villa to explore.
Phoneme Patterns
Quickly find readable words associated with YR, Y1 and Y2 phonemes from Letters & Sounds in this sound buttons and phoneme family resource.
1876 Victorian England Revisited
Journey back in time to see how a middle-class Victorian family lived. Look round the house and meet the family and servants.
Maths is Fun
A useful site if you are struggling with your maths as it explains different areas of maths. You can then work through examples and answers are provided. It is an American site, with something for all age groups. There is useful maths dictionary of terms.
Fine Dictionary includes definitions from 4 dictionaries with interesting facts, quotations, idioms and etymology as well as related words.
Subtraction to 10
This game provides a simple introduction to the concept of subtraction. Each calculation features a subtraction within 10, along with a pictorial representation of the start number.
Blast Off
Blast Off is a mental maths game for 5 to 8 year olds which can help you to know your two digit numbers and help with addition and subtraction skills. It covers different vocabulary such as more than, less than, count on and count back.